Sunday, December 10, 2006


December 2006

What: 'Historic Parks and Modern Management.'
Where: Liverpool University, Department of History.
When: From late afternoon on Friday, 15 December 2006, and through Saturday 16 December 2006.
Cost: There is no fee for the event.
Contact: Katy Jones on 0151 794 2440 or

March 2007

What: Association of Gardens Trusts Research Lectures: Jenifer Meir: 'Sanderson Miller and his Landscapes' and Michael Symes: 'The Picturesque and the Sublime.'
Where: at Swedenborg Hall, Holborn, London.
When: Thursday, 22 March 2007 , at 2.00pm.
Contact: Kate Harwood:

May 2007

What: Study Day, Leicestershire & Rutland Gardens Trust: 'Rufford Revealed: The History of the Gardens from Cistercian utility to Edwardian Opulence.'
Where: Rufford Abbey.
When: Tuesday 15 May 2007.
Cost about £30.
Contact: Lucy Alcock, Rufford Country Park, Ollerton, Newark, Nottinghamshire NG22 9DF Tel: 01623 821313. E-mail:

June 2007

What: Association of Gardens Trusts/Buckinghamshire Gardens Trust Study Day
Where: Buckinghamshire - maybe at Hartwell
When: June (date and time to be arranged).
Contact: Kate Harwood:

If you have an event which you would like us to include in future editions of
Parks & Gardens News, or if you would like any further information, do please contact:
Helen Lazenby on 01904 433950 or

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